Visit to Maxis Business Innovation Centre: A MyIoTA Experience


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Visit to Maxis Business Innovation Centre: A MyIoTA Experience


The Malaysia Internet of Things Association (MyIoTA) is excited to announce an upcoming visit to the Maxis Innovation Centre—an immersive hub dedicated to cutting-edge technology and digital transformation. Located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, this state-of-the-art facility highlights Maxis’ commitment to shaping the future of connectivity.

Key Highlights

  • IoT Ecosystem Showcase: MyIoTA members will have the opportunity to explore interactive exhibits featuring real-world IoT applications. From smart agriculture to connected healthcare, the centre will demonstrate the vast possibilities enabled by IoT.
  • 5G Demos and Insights: Maxis’ experts will provide in-depth insights into 5G technology. Attendees will witness live demonstrations of ultra-low latency, high-speed connectivity, and its impact on industries like manufacturing, logistics, and entertainment.
  • Collaboration Spaces: The centre’s collaborative zones are designed to encourage networking and idea exchange. MyIoTA members will engage with Maxis’ innovation teams, discussing potential partnerships and co-creation opportunities.
  • Smart City Solutions: Maxis will showcase its role in building smarter cities. From intelligent traffic management to environmental monitoring, attendees will gain a comprehensive view of how connectivity drives urban transformation.
  • IoT Security and Privacy: Maxis will emphasize the importance of robust security in IoT deployments. Discussions will cover data protection, encryption, and best practices for safeguarding connected devices.

MyIoTA’s Takeaways

  • Inspiration: The visit will spark fresh ideas and inspire MyIoTA members to explore innovative IoT solutions.
  • Collaboration Opportunities: Networking with Maxis experts will open doors for potential collaborations and joint projects.
  • 5G Vision: Witnessing 5G’s capabilities will reinforce MyIoTA’s commitment to advancing Malaysia’s digital landscape.


The Maxis Innovation Centre stands as a beacon for technology enthusiasts, bridging the gap between theory and practical implementation. MyIoTA eagerly anticipates this visit and looks forward to potential future collaborations with Maxis in shaping Malaysia’s connected future.



Registrations are closed
Date & Time
Monday, August 19, 2024
2:00 PM 5:30 PM (Asia/Kuala_Lumpur)

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Maxis Business Innovation Center, Menara Maxis

--Maxis Business Innovation Center, Menara Maxis--
--Maxis Business Innovation Center, Menara Maxis--

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Malaysia IoT Association

+60 11-2305 7287
+60 11-2305 7287

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